It’s been a busy week here. I’ve been thinking about making a holster for my Sig Sauer P320 because the grip texture is just too rough for me when I carry it concealed. I finally got around to making it this week and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out.

The design is similar to holsters from N82 Tactical. Mine is all leather with a suede backing, though, with some added contours. When I started this, I didn’t take stock of what materials I had or what materials I needed. I ended up running out of thread and having to salvage the belt clip from a Tandy holster kit that I put together.

Making the pattern was it’s own challenge. The gun “pocket” was especially hard to get right. I ended up scrapping one, which I did end up using to make the template for the final one. Even that pattern was off! In the end I found it was easier to stitch the back end down, shape the pocket to the gun, and then trim it to it’s final size. Maybe I’ll find a good tutorial or instructions online for making the pocket.
Oh, and I also had to figure out where to get some more dye. I used the last of my dye in a failed “dip dyeing” experiment. The color I had was light brown, but all I was able to find locally was dark brown. The plan was to dilute the dark brown, but I liked the way it looked and went with it.